360-degree feedback

“We all need people who will give us feedback. That's how we improve.” - Bill Gates
When you want to do a thorough evaluation of employee performance, it is important to gather information from everyone around him. With 360-degree feedback you receive detailed and comprehensive feedback for your employees on the basis of which you can outline specific and realistic goals and guidelines for their future development.
We assist you by:
  • providing you with an objective and scientifically based tool;
  • anonymous and transparent process;
  • a staff that is open and engaged in the evaluation process;
  • comprehensive results;
  • guidelines for development;
  • individual follow-up meetings with participants;
  • feedback training for HR and executives

The process is easy as 1-2-3:

  1. Choose a questionnaire

You can take a look at our pre-designed tools that assess 6 competencies (Prometriks 360 Basic), 9 competencies (Prometriks 360 Advanced), or provide opportinities to personalize a questionniare based on your company's competency model (Prometriks 360 Customized).

  1. Choose participants and timeline

​You specify the employees who will be assessed and those who will provide feedback. You can include an unlimited number of people into up to 5 groups: self-assessment, manager, colleagues, direct reports and/or clients. The only requirement is that there are at least 3 participants listed as colleagues, subordinates, and/or clients so that their feedback can remain anonymous. In order to compete the questionnaire, they will receive email invitations that they can complete on any device connected to the Internet at a convinient time. 

  1. Get the reports

​For every person evaluated there is a individual results report that provides detailed information about the person's performance, strengths and areas for development. The report can be generated both in Bulgarian and English. 

In addition, you can request individual follow-up meetings with a Prometriks consultant, an overall results report or training on how to provide feedback from a 360-degree evaluation.

For more information and price offers, contact us at hr@prometriks.com or +359877839949

What our clients say about us

The overall organization was flawless, and working with the team - precise and useful. We wouldn't hesitate to use their servuces again and/or to recommend them to other companies as during the time we worked together, we managed to establish relationships of trust, teamwork, and safisfaction from a job well done.
Svetlana Grigorova,
Manager Employee Selection, Performance and Development CIBANK
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