Leadership Judgement Indicator (LJI)

Leadership Judgement Indicator (LJI) is a situational judgment test that assesses both the quality of leadership decisions and the preferred leadership styles. According to the test model, there is no single leadership style that is suitable for all conditions and situations. Instead, the leader must look for the most appropriate approach, taking into account the importance of the problem, the competence and motivation of his team, and his own limitations.
LJI can be used for:
  • Employee selection for management positions
  • Employee promotion in management positions
  • Development of leaders in organizations
  • Analysis of the need to develop leadership skills
What does LJI measure?

LJI evaluates preferences for the four main leadership styles. These are:

• Directive – leaders set clearly defined objectives and rules for team members. They also guide employees’ work goals and establish the path by which they can be achieved.

• Consultative - leaders make decisions but ask their subordinates for opinions. While they ultimately have the authority to make the final decision, they are willing to listen to the viewpoints of every member of their team.

• Consensus - all team members participate in decision making. Leaders involve themselves as a member of the team and discuss possible decisions with the team. They seek consensus and everyone is supposed to take ownership in the final decision.

• Delegative – the leader takes a back seat toward decision making and allows subordinates to take their own course of action.

Depending on the leader, the team, and the specific problem, each of these styles may be more or less appropriate. The LJI contains a specific algorithm that assesses the accuracy of the assessment and at the same time identifies the leader's preferences for the use of a particular style, regardless of the circumstances.

​What does LJI consist of?
LJI contains 16 cases in which the test taker is placed in the role of a manager. Four possible solutions are given for each case and the task is to determine the appropriateness of each solution in the specific situation.

​Why should you choose LJI?

  • Provides information about the preferred leadership style and the extent to which it is effective in the work
  • Identifies areas for leadership development, even at the lowest management level
  • Demonstrates the ability of the evaluated to balance between achieving business results and maintaining team motivation


The test is administered through Assessia and takes about 40 minutes. 
Languages: Bulgarian

For more information and price offers, please contact us at hr@prometriks.com or +359877839949.
Are you looking for something else? Check out our TEST CATALOG
Original publisher: Hogrefe
Bulgarian adaptation: Prometriks

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