d2-R is here! From May 9, 2022, you can find the new, improved version of the world's most popular attention measurement test d2 with us.
What's new in d2-R?
- Shortened and simplified instructions to participants and an additional exercise line
- Increased scope of the test - the d2-R can now also assess people with exceptional concentration and attention skills
- A more consistent account of attentional persistence by concatenated blocks of stimulus material
- Simplified processing of results - only one template is applied when processing
- When processing, the first and last rows are not counted, which removes the influence of different people's different speed of adjustment to the task
- Updated norms for Bulgaria
- Refined norms for different age groups
The d2-R is used in the assessment of job applicants and employees in professional roles where high demands on attention and concentration are typical (e.g. professional drivers, drivers, air traffic controllers, technicians, cashiers, proofreaders, etc.)
The d2-R is administered in 10 minutes on paper and scored through templates.
For more information and prices, you can contact us at +359 877 839 949 or at hr@prometriks.com.