Organizational Climate Assessment

Organizational climate is extremely important for every organization. Empirical studies prove that the organizational climate determines about 30% of the financial incomes and has a decisive impact on vital areas such as managerial and performance objectives, strategic thinking and planning, creativity and initiative, team cohesion and confidence in the management.
Assessing the climate in your organization will help you:
  • understand the views of employees and their opinion about the effectiveness of key organizational activities;
  • gather objective and comprehensive information about the overall level of employee engagement and motivation;
  • evaluate the effect of different organizational interventions (mergers, restructuring, audit of human resource management, change in the leadership style and / or organizational culture, etc.);
  • evaluate the current communication and leadership styles, staff’s attitude towards benefits and compensation system, their involvement in the work processes and other important organizational practice.
If you need more information, please contact us.

What our clients say about us

These highly qualified professionals managed to gain the trust of our management team while working on a competency model development project for all positions in Gopet Trans offices in Bulgaria, Romania, and Poland. Extremely conscientious and reliable partner.
Svetlana Bovianski,
HR Manager Gopet Trans
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